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Favourite destinations


Kuching is one of the main tourist cities in Sarawak State, located on Borneo Island. The name Kuching is derived from the Malaysia word "Kucing" , which means "Cat". This place is known by the people as the City of Cats and is proud to be the cleanest city in Malaysia, with many diverse cultures from tribes such as the Iban, Bidayuh, and Kenyah.

Kuching Waterfront


One of the places most likely to attract tourists in this capital is Kuching Waterfront. With a walking path stretching about 900 meters along the south bank of Sarawak River, this place will definitely bring you extremely relaxing moments and the most unique photos.

Sarawak Musium

There are two musiums that you should visit: Urang Sarawak 'Pameran Tentang Kita' Exhibition and the Natural History Museum. Both are located right next to a large building that is closed for renovation, along the road to the left of the large building. Considered one of the most beautiful museums in Asia, the Sarawak Museum is where important historical values of Sarawak State are kept. This is also the oldest building in Kuching, with extremely unique architecture. The Urang Sarawak exhibition will give you an insight into their history, beliefs, and cultural traditions (weddings, deaths, etc,..). You can spend 1 to 2 hours there, and it is free. Then you can visit the Natural history Museum. It is very olld, smells of formaldehyde, but has some interesting stuffed animals in two rooms.

Masjid Dimaukom (Pink Mosque)

Malaysia is the country with the largest number of Muslims among all religions, so wherever you go in Malaysia, you will have the opportunity to enjoy the extremely unique architectural works of the Muslims. There is a church building that you definitely should not miss in Kuching: The Pink Mosque. This pink cathedral will definitely bring you unforgettable photos. Furthermore, one things that has a particularly important meaning is that you can pray for good things to come to your family, relatives, and everyone else in this extremely important place of living for the people here.

Experience the street food

No mater where you are going in Malaysia, street food is sure to be an attractive choice.Choon Hui Cafe is by far the most popular local eatery in the city.

When comming here, you must definitely try shrimp laksa and pioah. Kuching will surely turn you into big fans of gula apong (nipah palm) ice cream, kaya (coconut jam and pandan leaves) spread on thick slices of white toast, and Nyonya dishes such as deep-fried Hainanese chicken with buttermilk sauce.

The best time to travel

If you trip can combine having fun, taking photos, and enjoying unique spiratual gifts, there will be nothing better. Therefore, the best time for you to travel here is during the fesstival season. And you can note the following important times so you can prioritize them when planning:

June 1 and June 1: This is when the Gawa Dayak is held. If you travel on this period, you will be able to participate in super-attractive food markets, watch performances, and visit the traditional Annah Rais longhouse for free.

The 2nd week of July: the World Music Festival, one of the leading major festivals in Asia, with an extremely grand scale and the presence of top Asia stars will be taken place at Sarawak Cultural Village.

August is considered the month if Kuching festivals; throughout the month. There are street marches, food fairs, typical cultural performances of the region, etc throughout the month. If you are a foodie, you must take note right away.

The city of Kuching is considered as a muse, located on the banks of the Sarawak River in the northwest of Borneo Island. With the poetic space of the bue sea, white clouds, and golden sunshinem how can it not captivate tourists? Plan to book tickets to explore this city now.