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Labuan Bajo

Labuan is a fishing village located on the Flores Island in eastern of Indonesia, and it can truly be said that it is a hidden gem waiting to be discovered. Scuba diving with Manta rays, hiking along scenic trails to see the sunset and looking for exotic Komoto dragons are just some of the must-do activities in Labuan Bajo! In addition, the fishing village also has the freshest catch that you can enjoy while looking at the brilliant sunset sky. Here are some suggestions for your journey to explore Labuan:

Komodo Dragon Island - a destination not to be missed

Komodo Island is about two hours by boat from Labuan Bajo. Its special attraction is the large number of Komodo dragons,  upto 5,000.Therefore, you can't miss this island when exploring Labuan Bajo. Over the centuries, the villagers of Komodo and the nearby islands of Rinca, where the majority of Komodo dragons live, have been able to live peacefully with these lizard predators. However, they still often graze goats on islands beyond the reach of dragons.

It is important to note that you must always walk with a ranger, even though they escort visitors into the hunting area with only a Y-shaped stick, which will be used in extreme cases to tie the tail dragon.

Coming to Dragon Island in Indonesia, visitors cannot miss super attractive experiences such as scuba diving, trekking, etc. Scuba diving will give you the opportunity to admire the diversity of species here. Fish species that swim freely, like leaf scorpionfish, or even aggressive species like crocodiles Everything will be an interesting experience for you on this trip.

Experience Island Hoping

Island Hopping (“island hopping") is a form of visiting many islands in a short time to have the richest experience. This is one of the familiar choices of tourists when exploring Labuan Bajo and visiting Komodo National Park.

Padar, the park's third-largest island after Komodo and Rinca, is where you can watch the sunrise over the mountains, beautifully "sculpted" by the sun and wind, and take in the view of the winding bays.

Meanwhile, Kelor Island, a small cone with dreamy white sand beaches, offers 360-degree views of towering volcanic outcrops in the Flores Sea.

For perfect selfies, visit the white-sand atoll of Karang Makassar, which is surrounded by pale turquoise waters.

Next is Pink Rock, a surreal pink-orange volcanic outcrop with unique veins of iron ore.

In particular, in addition to beaches with smooth white sand, Komodo National Park is also famous for its candy pink beaches. Fragments of red coral mixed with the surrounding pale sand create a natural rainbow of beige, pink, and turquoise.

Cultural tourism

This will be complete if you travel to Labuan Bajo. After enjoying the beauty of the sea and the terrain of the islands, you can visit cultural tourism there. Named Wase Rebo Village, this destination has a unique local culture. This can be seen from the triangular-shaped houses of the villagers.

In addition to the local culture, you will also get to visit a beautiful cave. Try Goa Rangko, or what is commonly known as Goa Buaya. The unique thing is that there is a saltwater pool in the cave that can be used for swimming.

Best time to travel in Labuan

The best time to visit Labuan Bajo is from March to October. The weather is sunny at this time, and the water is generally calmer, making viewing of underwater objects more optimal.

From May to August is also mating season for Komodo dragons, so if you want to catch these beasts in action, this is the best time.

In Labuan Bajo, you will feel a complete sense of travel. Starting from beach tourism, cultural tourism, and seeing animals from ancient times. Not only that, Labuan Bajo also holds many beautiful destinations that can be the perfect getaway to relax after busy daily activities. Plan your journey to explore Labuan Bajo now.